Monday, November 28, 2005

Missing the Present - Advent Lesson #1

I got a call this morning to sub for the 2nd grade teacher. Part of that time included "chapel" with the 1st graders. I was put on the spot and asked to talk about Advent! Ugh!!! What do I say to a bunch of 6- and 7-yr-olds?! I had to think of something, quick. "It's Advent. You know, that time on the church calendar that leads up to Christmas....uh..."

For a moment, I was a deer standing in front of the headlights. I'm one of these people that knows the answer to a question until you ask it of me.

But somehow the Spirit came through. Thank God!

We ended up talking about expectations, waiting and preparing. The children had on their minds mostly visions of Christmas morning with toys and presents under a Christmas tree.

I've had a lot of mind lately, as well, as I've been thinking ahead to next year when I could potentially be taking life vows. In fact, I've already started "preparing" for the day in my own mind. (This would also be known as daydreaming!)

But there's a problem with expectations, waiting, and preparing for some future event to happen. Sometimes I get so caught up in what's to come that I'm oblivious to today. My spiritual director has a wonderful way of calling me back: "Whoa!" she'll say, "You're really out there. Rein it in a bit!"

So today's Advent lesson to myself: I can only do my best expecting, waiting and preparing by being fully present in the moment before me.


Anonymous said...

Such wisdom... :)

Lisa said...

God comes through! I will keep your profession preparation of heart in my prayers. What community are you with, Sister?
